Not-for-profit organisation operating in the field of
Projects, training & mobilities
The overall aim of the partnership was to improve training routines, learning environments and collaboration potential in regards to leadership development within the European Civil Society.
The partnership incorporated 6 partners from 6 countries, all of which were organisations active in the field of capacity building in the NGO sector. Lead partner was SOCIUS Organisationsberatung gGmbH, a Berlin based non-profit training and consulting agency.
Participants in the mobilities were about 50 adult education trainers and learners from 6 partner-organisations throughout Europe. Indirect beneficiaries of the partnership were the NGOs serviced by the partners and their staff who were involved as learners on a local level. Each partner had a local network of at least 10 - 15 NGOs he serviced through trainings of all different settings resulting in a number of up to 120 NGOs and their staff as indirect beneficiaries. Thus around 500 to 600 people (paid and volunteer staff of NGOs) were indirectly involved in the project.
The partnership activities incorporated:
Throughout the partnership learning accounts (personal summaries of the learners’ experience and gained insights in a joint format) were published and discussed via online and offline resources (website, audio- and video conferences, working-papers).
The collection of enhanced strategies and tools for leadership development as a cornerstone of capacity building within NGOs sector.